The SCRAPY Guide is a set of educational materials for educators with clear and detailed instructions on the use of the SCRAPY Kit, its components and the SCRAPY Coder.
Lesson plans will be created based on the SCRAPY Kit sensors, components and peripherals for interactive, hands-on exercises. These lesson plans will involve the construction of several DIY kits.
The SCRAPY Guide and the additional resources are hosted in the Scrapy Academy, a Learning Motivation Environment (LME) to engage the users (teachers/pupils) in the learning process, offering an enhanced experience through motivational workflows and gamification mechanisms. The learning portal will function as a knowledge dissemination platform and facilitate collaboration between learners and trainers.
SCRAPY Guide Educational Resources
You can access all the educational package of the "SCRAPY GUIDE" structured in the SCRAPY Academy
You can Download the individual materials in the following sections: